Is Apple Cider Vinegar Safe During Pregnancy?

by Aug 10, 2021

What is apple cider vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a food, condiment, and increasingly popular natural home remedy.

This particular vinegar is produced from apples that have been fermented. Some types may include bacteria if left unpasteurized and with the “mother,” while others are pasteurized.

Apple cider vinegar that has not been pasteurized due to its high probiotic content is said to have many health benefits when taken raw (unpasteurized).

There are some pregnant women who may be concerned about their bacteria consumption. This article looks at these worries, as well as the safety and advantages of using apple cider vinegar while pregnant.

Is it safe to drink apple cider vinegar during pregnancy?

There is no scientific evidence indicates that ACV is either safe or dangerous for pregnant women.

Though pregnant women are often advised against drinking unpasteurized beverages, the fermentation process of ACV causes the production of lactic acid which kills many pathogens, so there is little risk of food-borne illness if taken before it spoils.

A lot of people have questions about what exactly apple cider vinegar is and what benefits can be derived from consuming it. It has been studied for its cholesterol-lowering properties as well as its ability to help with weight loss. The acidity in ACV also helps balance stomach PH levels which can lead to relief from various digestive conditions such as heartburn, diarrhea, and constipation. It’s incredibly easy for people with conditions such as heartburn to consume ACV since it is safe for pregnant women.

Using apple cider vinegar will also lead to increased energy levels which can benefit both yourself and your unborn child. When you feel better, it’s easier for you to take care of yourself and your baby, so it can be a win-win situation all around if you take ACV.

Types of apple cider vinegar

There are two different types of apple cider vinegar. unfiltered and filtered. Pasteurization or unpasteurization is also a possibility for ACV.

Raw ACV – unpasteurized ACV is made from apples that have been fermented and have a cloudy or turbid appearance. It should be stored in a dark place and should not be heated because it will lose its beneficial properties.

The raw form of ACV can be a powerful probiotic for those who are lactose intolerant as well as those who have yeast overgrowth due to the presence of ‘mother’.

Pasteurized ACV – In this case, the bacteria remain as they may have been added as a result of making the vinegar concentrate which would augment any existing bacteria or yeast that may have been present in the apples.

Is raw (unpasteurized) ACV safe to consume while pregnant?

In general, health authorities and research advise that pregnant women avoid eating unpasteurized foods. These might include germs such as Listeria, Salmonella, Toxoplasma, and others.

Raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar is more powerful and not recommended for pregnant women. It’s excellent for your health and ideal for the stomach. However, it should still be avoided during pregnancy because it may stimulate and complicate things. Before using apple cider vinegar, you should discuss this with your doctor.

This is because the process of pasteurization kills off bacteria thereby lowering the risk of bacteria causing foodborne illness (source: FDA).

Unpasteurized ACV contains several beneficial probiotic microorganisms that may assist reduce stomach issues

Despite the fact that unpasteurized apple cider vinegar does not contain live probiotics, the risk of food poisoning is too high to outweigh any potential health benefits.

Pregnant women who choose pasteurized apple cider vinegar can do so without worry. However, it may not provide all of the health advantages you seek, particularly ACV’s claimed probiotic capabilities. Keep in mind that there are other safe probiotics supplements on the market that don’t have these potential hazards.

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Benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar during pregnancy

Apple cider vinegar may help to reduce the appearance of acne and pimples.

Acne and pimples are common experiences during pregnancy because of hormonal changes.

As the hormones are changing, the level of androgens in the body increases; it starts to clog the skin pores and leads to pimples and acne.

The hormones are transforming, leading to an increased amount of androgens in the body; this causes clogged skin pores which lead to pimples and acne.

Acetic acids, which are present in large amounts in ACV, have been shown in some research to aid with acne treatment. However, when utilized with certain light therapies, they were only effective.

Apple cider vinegar may be used as a topical treatment, whether pasteurized or unpasteurized. This has less of a risk of foodborne illness.

While there aren’t enough studies to confirm ACV’s effectiveness for acne, several pregnant women claim it has helped them. It’s also safe and inexpensive to use.

How to use: Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar with 3 parts water for a 1:3 ratio. Apply the solution to your skin and acne-prone areas carefully using a cotton ball.

Apple cider vinegar may be used to treat yeast infections.

Apple cider vinegar’s unique components can help to control and even cure yeast infections like candida. It may also be used topically, particularly in the diluted form.

To utilize this natural cure, add to your tub a half cup of apple cider vinegar and soak for at least 20 minutes.

Apple cider vinegar may help prevent urinary tract infections (UTI)

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are sometimes treated with diluted apple cider vinegar. The same may be said about yeast infections.

Both of these can be a prevalent problem among pregnant women. However, there are no studies confirming that apple cider vinegar is effective for this purpose.

A 2011 research suggests that rice vinegar helped to cure a bacterial urinary infection, but it may not be the same as apple cider vinegar.

As your baby grows, the weight of your child compresses your bladder. This is why you have a difficult time urinating every time. This might cause an increase in germs in your urinary tract system. You may alleviate it naturally by drinking two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water each day.

ACV can be found in either pasteurized or unpasteurized varieties since the most evidence for any vinegar benefit in treating urinary tract infections was found with pasteurized rice vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar may improve digestion and metabolism

In 2016, a study on animals demonstrated that apple cider vinegar might alter digestive enzymes. It was also shown to improve the body’s fat and sugar digestion.

According to animal studies, vinegar has been found to have a variety of health benefits. Some of these effects may be beneficial, especially for type 2 diabetes, however no human research was conducted. This raises the issue of whether acetic acid might help prevent gestational diabetes.

We’re not sure if the ACV in these studies was pasteurized or unpasteurized.

How to use: combine 1 to 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a tall glass of water. Drink up to twice a day.

Apple cider vinegar can help reduce pregnancy nausea (Morning Sickness)

Another typical pregnancy symptom that may cause discomfort for many women is nausea or morning sickness, the acidity in the stomach causes it.

ACV’s acetic acid has been shown to help with a variety of gastrointestinal issues, including stomach pains. As a result, it may assist some women who experience nausea during pregnancy.

However, there are no studies supporting this usage. Furthermore, taking too much apple cider vinegar might cause or exacerbate nausea.

Unpasteurized and pasteurized vinegar can also help with this symptom, since it is primarily due to the acidity of the vinegar rather than its bacteria.

Apple cider vinegar help can with heartburn and acidity

Heartburn and acidity become a typical problem during the 12th to 27th weeks of pregnancy and is caused by the stomach contents migrating back to the esophagus, resulting in discomfort. Apple cider vinegar aids in the neutralization of acidic foods as well as providing comfort.

Apple cider vinegar may help with heartburn. Traditionally, it has been used to ease the discomfort of acid reflux disease by regulating digestion and soothing the lining of the digestive tract. It may also offer relief from occasional heartburn caused by overeating, rich foods and associated stomach bloating and gas.

Apple cider vinegar helps normalize blood pressure level

Within a week, taking three teaspoons of apple cider vinegar each day can significantly lower your blood pressure.

Apple cider vinegar’s ability to reduce blood pressure is aided by the fact that it contains acetic acid, which inhibits the rennin enzyme, which raises blood pressure.

When you consume it, you may be able to lower both cholesterol and blood pressure at the same time

Apple cider vinegar can help relieve leg cramps

There are several causes of leg cramps in pregnant women. The potassium level in the body may be increased by drinking acv, which can alleviate the discomfort.

Apple cider vinegar can help in common cold

Over-the-counter medicines for cold and painful throat symptoms are not liked by all pregnant women.

ACV may be able to help with these symptoms since it has immune-booster and antibacterial properties.

Usage: One part ACV, five parts warm water, and 2-3 teaspoons of honey should be mixed together.

Nonetheless, pregnant women must make sure they avoid unpasteurized ACV. If you don’t want to drink it at all, consider making an ACV gargle for your sore throat.

Are there any risks Of drinking apple cider vinegar?

However, there are no studies indicating that apple cider vinegar has any negative effects on pregnant women or their babies growing within them.

Nevertheless, undiluted apple cider vinegar can be harmful to the digestive system’s various sections since it includes acetic acid, which may burn through the esophagus. It also has erosive effects when consumed raw due to its acidic properties.

Apple cider vinegar may also cause issues when combined with medicines including insulin and diuretics. As a result, you should contact your doctor to see whether the drugs you’re taking can cause problems when mixed with ACV.

Can drinking vinegar stop you from getting pregnant?

No, but drinking too much apple cider vinegar can lead to unintended pH levels that might make it more difficult to bear children in the future.

Can vinegar cause a miscarriage?

Pregnant women may be at greater risk of foodborne illness since their immune systems are weakened somewhat during pregnancy. Some of these ailments can be fatal.

The fetus is also prone to miscarriages, stillbirths and other abnormalities caused by these infections.

10 Tips and precautions for pregnant women

Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind before you decide to consume ACV during pregnancy.

  1. When you’re taking apple cider vinegar capsules or supplements, be cautious. Do not forget to ask your doctor.
  2. Reduce the amount of ACV you consume according to your health care provider’s advice.
  3. Don’t combine ACV with other vinegar while eating. This can raise the acidity level.
  4. ACV should not be used as a substitute for medicine unless your doctor recommends it.
  5. Be careful when trying to consume ACV mocktails.
  6. Choose organic ACV to get the most from it.
  7. Do not consume ACV straight. This might damage your tooth enamel and esophagus. Before imbibing, dilute it in water or
  8. To safeguard your enamel from damage, rinse your mouth with water straight away after drinking apple cider vinegar.
  9. If you have stomach issues, do not consume apple cider vinegar (unless your doctor allows it).
  10. The best time to drink ACV is 30 minutes before or after drinking tea or coffee.

When To Consult Your Doctor

If you experience any of the following symptoms after drinking acv, contact your doctor right away:

  • Red, hot, and any itchy rashes on your face
  • Acidity, indigestion, or any stomach related issue
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Dizziness

The bottom line

ACV is a powerful and traditional remedy that can be used to improve health.

Drinking apple cider vinegar while pregnant may provide many benefits, including reducing the risk of preeclampsia and gestational diabetes. Despite this potential for benefit, there are some risks associated with consuming apple cider vinegar during pregnancy (especially when taken in high quantities).

That’s why it’s important to talk with your doctor before you decide whether or not drinking raw ACV might work for your situation.

Too much consumption could lead to unintended pH levels that make it more difficult to bear children down the road.

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