Pros and Cons of taking Silica Supplements

by Mar 7, 2022

Are you looking for ways to improve your health? If yes, then silica supplements might be the answer. They are natural minerals that are found in various foods such as wheat germ, rice bran, oats, beans, and nuts.

Silica is essential for human development because it helps build bones, teeth, hair, nails, skin, and connective tissue. It also supports the immune system and protects against diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

However, some studies suggest that too much silica can cause kidney stones, stomach ulcers, and other problems. This article explores the pros and cons of taking silica supplements. It also dives into a biotin and silica comparison to help you choose an adequate supplement for your needs. Stay hooked to know more.

What is Silica?

Silica is a mineral also known as silicon dioxide that is made up of oxygen and silicon. It is a common mineral in the Earth’s crust. Silica occurs as microscopic quartz crystals and forms some of the most common minerals on Earth, such as sand, gravel, and quartzite.

Silica is also an essential mineral that helps strengthen the connective tissues of the body. It is present in most foods such as fruits, vegetables, and grains. In fact, it is the third most abundant mineral in the human body after sodium and potassium.

How to Get Silica through your Diet?

There are many ways to get silica through your diet. Silica is found in many plants and vegetables. Some good sources of silica include:

  • Some good sources of silica include leafy green vegetables, cruciferous vegetables, cucumbers, and tomatoes.
  • Silica is also found in some fruits, such as strawberries and raspberries.
  • You can also get silica from nuts, such as almonds and walnuts.
  • Other good sources of silica are whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa, and buckwheat.

To help your body absorb silica, you may want to take these foods with a meal high in vitamin C.

Silica Supplements

Silica supplements are typically made from the mineral silicon dioxide (SiO2) and are available in both pill and powder form. Silicon dioxide is the main component of sand and is the second most abundant element in the Earth’s crust

In addition to the marketed beauty benefits of silica for the hair, skin, and nails, some studies have shown that silica may help improve bone density and reduce the risk of fractures. Still, more research is needed to confirm these claims.

What are the Benefits of taking Silica?

Silica is a product that has been used for years to improve the skin, hair, and nails. It is also a major player in the formation and maintenance of strong and healthy bones and teeth The benefits of silica are often not well-known, however, it can be beneficial for your health and beauty.

Silica may help with hair growth

There are many benefits of silica for hair. Silica can help to improve the strength and elasticity of hair, which can help to reduce the risk of breakage. It can also help to improve the texture and appearance of hair, making it smoother and shinier. Additionally, silica promotes healthy hair growth.

Silica may help with nail growth

There are many benefits of silica for nails. Silica can help to strengthen nails, making them less likely to break or chip. It can also help to keep nails healthy and free from infection. Besides, silica can help to improve the appearance of nails, making them look smoother and less brittle.

The silica supplement can help with acne and wrinkles

Silica is beneficial for a variety of health conditions, including acne. Along with taking silica supplements, the high levels of silica found in clay face masks can help fight acne. Acne is caused by inflammation and clogged pores, so using a clay mask to cleanse your skin may help reduce the redness and irritation caused by acne.

Silica is also a key component of collagen formation, which is the main structural protein in our skin. Collagen is responsible for keeping our skin looking young and healthy. As we age, our collagen production decreases, which can lead to wrinkles and other signs of aging. Taking silica supplements may slow down the skin aging process and eventually reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Silica could also help your heart and immune system.

Silica is beneficial for the heart and immunity. Silica helps keep the heart healthy by maintaining proper blood pressure and preventing plaque build-up in the arteries. It may also help to improve the function of the immune system by enhancing the production of antibodies.

How Much Silica is Safe to Take?

There is no ideal answer to this question as the amount of silica that is safe to take varies from person to person. It is recommended that you speak with a healthcare professional before taking any supplements that contain silica in order to determine the right dosage for you.

However, Silica supplements should be avoided by the following people:

  • Children
  • Pregnant women since it has not yet been proved safe for them
  • People with kidney disease

What are the Side effects of Taking Silica Supplements?

Silica supplement is one of the most popular supplements used by people. However, there is a lot of controversy around their safety and efficacy. These include, but are not limited to, gastrointestinal distress, kidney damage.

It is important to note that these side effects are very rare, occur only in certain individuals, and often go away when the use of the supplement stops.

Nevertheless, it is important for people who take them to be aware of their potential dangers and make sure they avoid these side effects by using caution when taking them or using a reputable brand that has undergone rigorous testing.

Some ways to avoid these dangers include:

  • Drinking filtered water
  • Avoiding silica supplement intake in large quantities
  • Taking the supplement with food

Silica vs. Biotin – Which one to choose?

Biotin is one of the B-vitamins, which are essential for the normal functioning of all body cells. It is involved in the metabolism of amino acids, fatty acids, and carbohydrates. Biotin deficiency can cause a wide range of symptoms, including fatigue, loss of appetite, depression, hair loss, dry skin, muscle weakness, brittle nails, poor growth and development in children, nail fold cracks, skin lesions, and infections.

Silica and biotin are both important nutrients for the body, both boast of promoting hair growth and strong nails, but they have different functions. Silica is necessary for the formation and maintenance of bones and teeth, while biotin is necessary for the production of energy and the healthy function of the skin, hair, and nails. Some people may wonder which nutrient they should be focusing on, but both are important and provide unique benefits.

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