Herbs for immune system boost: all you need to know

by Jun 8, 2021

The immune system is the body’s natural defense against illness and disease. It helps fight off viruses, bacteria, and other infections that can cause sickness. The immune system also plays a role in fighting cancer cells. A boosted immune system means you’re better protected from these threats to your health! An article about herbs for the immune system can be very helpful because it teaches people what they need to know: herbs for immunity work differently on different people, so understanding how each herb interacts with your individual needs is essential!

The immune response:

The immune system’s response to infection is determined by the type of white blood cells that enter infected tissue and become active there. The two main types are:

A healthy person has roughly twice as many immunity cells as cancerous ones. Boosting your immune system with herbs can help this ratio remain in the balance!

A balanced immune system also means you’re less likely to get sick when you come into contact with a virus or other illness, such as colds or flu because it will be able to keep them at bay more effectively. That’s why making sure your body is well equipped for fighting off bacteria and viruses helps prevent sicknesses, and why herbs for the immune system are the perfect solution!

A healthy response to infection begins when blood vessels near infected areas become more permeable (widen).

This allows white blood cells called lymphocytes easy passage into the area where they attach themselves onto infected cells or invading organisms including viruses, bacteria, and fungi. The lymphocytes then multiply rapidly into large numbers of white blood cells called “lymphoblasts” that produce antibodies in response to the invading organisms or infected cells.

The process by which these immune responses are produced is called a cell-mediated immune reaction because it involves only white blood cells, not antibodies; when an antibody attaches itself onto an invader such as bacteria, virus, or fungus (or other types of foreign substances), this is known as humoral immunity because the defense mechanisms employ chemicals found in body fluids like a serum to fight off invaders.

Cellular immunity works more slowly than humoral but produces longer-lasting defenses: whereas antibodies last for relatively short periods, days, or weeks at most. Cellular memory can continue fighting off the invader for years.

Cell-mediated immunity is also called delayed-type hypersensitivity because it takes time to build up and create a response; this “delayed” reaction actually “protects” against the rapid release of toxins that could be harmful to the body during an infection or attack by invaders (such as measles).

The immune system has two major divisions: one part produces antibodies, while another part creates cellular responses, lymphocytes play key roles in both types of protection.

The creation and destruction of white blood cells are controlled by substances such as cytokines, hormones, growth factors, etc., which can either stimulate or inhibit antibody production or cell activity.

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What’s the role of the immune system?

The immune system is the body’s natural defense against microorganisms, such as bacteria and viruses. It also protects us from “non-living” invaders, toxins, or poisons that might enter through our skin.

The immune response depends on a variety of cells: white blood cells (leukocytes) primarily attack infections by microbes; other types of leukocytes destroy cancerous cells; erythrocytes are involved in hemoglobin production and help to protect against poisonous chemicals in the environment).

B lymphocytes produce antibodies that can bind specifically with antigens, substances foreign to the body but recognized by its immune defenses. Antibodies then attach themselves to these invaders so they can be destroyed. T lymphocytes have an important role too: they not only produce antibodies but also help to control other immune cells.

The body has a complex system of checks and balances that ensures it responds as effectively as possible to any potential invader.

The immune response is regulated by cytokines – substances secreted by the immune system or its neighboring tissues in reaction to invasion.

Cytokines work with different types of leukocytes: helper T cells become activated when their receptors are stimulated; cytotoxic T cells destroy infected tissue.

Cytokine production can be increased during infection so more fluids leak from blood vessels, resulting in fever or a sore throat for example. This extra fluid helps bacteria reach sites where they might otherwise be confined and provides nutrients necessary for them to multiply.

The immune system has two branches: the innate and adaptive immune systems. Innate immunity is a simple, quickly-acting response to infection without any prior exposure or sensitization.

It includes physical barriers such as skin and mucous membranes; chemical defenses like stomach acidity; natural killer cells (NK) that kill cancer cells by injecting them with chemicals after being signaled by cytokines from other leukocytes; CTLs that destroy virus-infected cells based on their major histocompatibility complex (MHC); inflammatory processes which cause fever, swelling, redness of tissues etc.; erythrocytes – white blood cells – are involved in fighting infections through phagocytosis and scavenging for bacteria when they migrate to the site of infection.

The immune system is a highly complex network that includes many different types of cells, macromolecules, and organs working together to fight against invasion by foreign substances such as bacteria, viruses, or parasites; it defends the body from intruders which cause disease.

The adaptive immune system also provides long-lasting protection in humans through immunological memory. It works with an intricate network comprising tonsils, spleen, and lymph nodes – all situated near one another on both sides of the neck (along with other areas like bone marrow); they make up what’s called peripheral lymphatic tissue, also known as reticular formation: this is where B cells are created from stem cells found within some specialized tissues in response to antigens.

The immune system is not perfect in all cases and the response can be either more or less effective depending on the infectious agent. In case of a successful defense, an inflammatory reaction will take place with various cells including leukocytes to fight against invading pathogens; these invaders are what we call “antigens”.

Antigens include viruses, bacteria, and parasites, this is why they’re said to provoke immunity: they cause our body’s defenses to become stronger so as to better resist future attacks by those same factors.

The adaptive immune system has two main effectors that protect us from disease: B cells (MHC II) which produce antibodies such as IgA and IgG, some types of which also have a memory function, and T cells (MHC I) such as CD-40 that stimulate the production of antibodies.

The innate immune system is responsible for cell protection against pathogens, meaning it responds quickly but doesn’t have memory function; however, it has a wide range of mechanisms to do so:

pro-inflammatory cytokines are released in order to activate other cells like neutrophils or macrophages which destroy invading pathogens through phagocytosis, plus there’s complement activation that results from the interaction between different blood proteins with their specific receptors on an invading pathogen.

This provides defense by destroying bacteria before they can infect our body.

Why do you need to boost your immune system?

Boosting your immune system is crucial to living a long and healthy life. In light of the increasing number of infections, it’s more important than ever to protect oneself from influenza and other seasonal illnesses that can lead to serious complications such as hospitalization or death.

Our immune systems are designed for resilience; however, this doesn’t mean they will remain strong forever. With age comes immunosenescence, meaning one’s immunity starts to decline gradually over time which leaves us susceptible to diseases we wouldn’t have been otherwise in our younger years because we’re no longer able to produce enough antibodies on our own without help from boosters like herbs or dietary supplements.

One way in which immunosenescence manifests itself is through allergies.

Herbs for immune system boost:

There are many herbs known to support immune system health. These include licorice root, astragalus, ginger and echinacea, and other herbs:

Licorice root

It is most commonly used as an antiviral herb; it has been found in some studies to be able to provide relief from symptoms of the cold sore virus within 24 hours when applied topically (eardrops or eyedrops) and taken orally for up to two weeks.

Additionally, this herb can also help relieve pain from other sources such as arthritis by increasing chemical levels that act on nerve endings responsible for pain response.


A Chinese herb that has long been used to help boost the immune system, astragalus is rich in vitamins and minerals like B12, pantothenic acid (vitamin B), potassium, and calcium.

Additionally, it contains immunoglobulins – antibodies with antiviral properties which inhibit the reproduction of viruses by attaching themselves to viral cells.

Studies have shown this herb can increase antibody production as well as hemoglobin levels; when taken for up to six months it can even go so far as to completely eliminate the Hepatitis C virus from an individual’s bloodstream!

Astragalus is used in TCM for respiratory and immune disorders, gastro-intestinal ailments (including ulcers), arthritis, and flu symptoms.

– Ginger:

Another powerful immunity-boosting food! The best way to utilize ginger is by juicing it with some fresh lemon for breakfast every day or making homemade herbal tea with honey as often as you would like.

A cup of a hot soup made from this spice will provide lots of healing nutrients too!

Not only does ginger taste great with tea or soup but it also helps support immunity because of its antioxidant ability, thanks in part to the protective nutrients it contains such as vitamin C, beta-carotene, and quercetin. Ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties which can help with a variety of inflammatory conditions from osteoarthritis pain to piles.

Ginger is used in TCM for colds and flu but also digestive disorders including nausea when pregnant or traveling (or morning sickness).

Ginger has been shown to have potent anti-inflammatory properties which can reduce swelling around the eyes associated with allergies or congestion.


This herb was originally used by Native American tribes to prevent illness before getting them while hunting; now we use this immune-boosting root plant not only for preventing infections but for other health benefits too! Herbalists recommend echinacea for those who are significantly weakened due to injury or chronic disease because it helps support healthy white blood cells that destroy bacteria and viruses.

Echinacea purpurea is one of the most popular traditional herbs used by herbalists today; its purported benefits include boosting immunity against viruses & bacteria, warding off common cold /cases of flu, reducing inflammation from wounds or injuries, treating skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis, and alleviating allergy symptoms such as nasal congestion.

Echinacea is safe and generally considered very effective for most of these purposes. Numerous studies have shown it to be helpful in speeding up the immune system response, increasing antibody production, improving cell-mediated immunity (i.e., cells that fight infection), and reducing inflammation or fever.

Using echinacea tincture as a mouthwash can also help alleviate the symptoms of cold sores/fever blisters; this herb works by stimulating blood flow to heal wounds faster while simultaneously blocking viral replication on nearby uninfected tissue,  which prevents new infections from occurring!

The plant’s active ingredients may also work against cancerous cells depending on their growth phase: Echinacoside appears to inhibit tumor formation early in its development doesn’t mean they are inherently safe.

Pau D’Arco:

This herb is used in traditional Brazilian medicine to fight off bacteria and fungi, which can be a great option for those with compromised immune systems or chronic illnesses like Lyme disease.

Lemon balm

It has been shown to offer some relief for asthma symptoms by alleviating inflammation of the airways while also working as an antiviral agent that’s effective against colds and other respiratory infections.


This is a great herb to have in your kitchen. It’s an immune system booster and it also has antiviral properties that can strengthen the body against colds, flu, and other illnesses. In general, garlic improves the circulation of blood throughout the body which helps fight off infection more quickly!


An excellent source of antioxidants that help reduce inflammation in the body; use turmeric liberally on top of anything from broiled salmon to deviled eggs!

Cayenne pepper:

This spicy addition is a good way to spice up your diet while also providing immune system support; take cayenne liberally sprinkled on top of anything from steamed vegetables to whole grain pasta dishes.


This delicious herb packs a punch with its antibacterial and antiviral properties – take oregano liberally on top of anything from roasted vegetables to pizza!

The main thing to remember when using herbs is this: just because they are natural does not mean they don’t have side effects! Always consult your doctor before taking any herbal supplement if you’re pregnant, breastfeeding or on medication so there aren’t any adverse interactions.

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